Progressive Web App Development

Why should I build a web app?

Running our analytical insights we reckon you are twice as likely to be looking at this page on a desktop. Whilst mobile usage has exploded, work habits and in particular a reluctance to purchase on mobile means that the laptop / desktop audience remains hugely valuable.

Apptaura have an expert Web App development team who can turn your idea into a reality.

So, get in front of more customers with a progressive Web app from Apptaura.

Why Apptaura is the only choice

What sets us apart from the competition is our approach. Our drive is to make sure you get the right product for you. We won't just slavishly follow your proposal documents, but will work as your development partners every step of the way.

We can build standalone progressive web apps, or create one alongside and in conjunction with our Android and iOS development.

What exactly is a progressive web app?

A progressive web app is best described as being a website built using web tech, but looks, feels and works like an app.

Web apps have all the benefits of mobile apps and those of a website. So it is accessible to all users irrespective of their phone make. They are secure, adaptable and can be discovered via search engines, not locked behind app stores.

Talk to us and we won't spout any bull. We'll tell you if a web app is the way forward for you.